Nancy K. Neidich
Standing Chapter 13 Trustee
Southern District of Florida | Miami Division

BK Documents – Secure Document Transfer Service

BK Documents is a secure document transfer service for Chapter 13 Trustees to receive documents from the debtor bar using high-grade encryption.  The debtor’s personal information will be secured, although documents will still need to be redacted for social security numbers.

The debtor bar does not pay to  register or to upload documents.  The process is similar to uploading documents to ECF. The trusteeship will accept faxes through December 31, 2015.

Setting up an account is a two step procedure.  First you must register with WWW.BKDOCS.US.  Next you must request permission to upload documents to a case assigned to Nancy K. Neidich, Chapter 13 Trustee.  Once you have registered and been approved, you may begin uploading documents.  The owner of the login must be a member of the Florida Bar.  Only one login per attorney.  See the detail attachment as to how to register.

Once a document is uploaded, we should receive it within the hour.  All documents must be in PDF format, less than 10MG and searchable.  Each document must be uploaded separately by category.  Bank statements must be uploaded separated by account.  Additional identification may be added such as dates of bank accounts and must be added if using miscellaneous. Only use the miscellaneous category if there is no other option and the documents have been specifically requested.

If the case number is incorrectly entered, is not assigned to Nancy K. Neidich or was filed less than 48 hours prior to the attempted upload, a “Case Number is invalid, please try again” message may appear.

Each uploaded document will have a serial number for verification and each log-in account may view a list of documents uploaded to BKDOCS.US.  To view a list of documents uploaded to BKDOCS.US, click on “Filing Report”. The filing report includes when the document was uploaded and what description you assigned the documents.

See the documents on the left for tips and how to upload documents.  Any questions regarding technical or registration issues should be directed to Brett Epstein, at  [email protected]. Any other questions should be directed to Vanessa Marrero at[email protected].


As an example, we were engaged in designing a site to increase male potency. You could view the result of our work by clicking on the link